
Monday, July 15, 2013

Project Reroll, The Flamethrower!

There's a new arrival at Project Reroll! In Spaceballs, Yogurt said it best. "Merchandising!" I just opened a store to sell shirts, bags, iPhone cases, waterbottles, and more! All of them feature our beautiful logo by Annie Stoll (Seriously, check out her stuff!)! She dedicated a lot of time an energy to  getting it just right and I just want to thank her SO MUCH and give her a shout out so y'all can find her other work on the web! Thanks Annie!

So why make a store?

I want to be able to commit more time to the blog and turn it into something even bigger and better than what it is currently. Sadly, I don't have the ability to do that because of pesky stuff like the time I have to commit to my day job to assuage the lack of disposable income I would need to take this project to the next level. 

Personally, when I read a blog, I'm not usually incentivized to contribute monetarily. Why pay money for something you can get for free? Plus, where does the money go and what direct benefits will I see for my contribution. I wouldn't ask for money if I didn't have an idea of how I'll spend it and what I'll do to improve your experience.

Set your fears at rest. I'll never make people pay for access to the blog. However, a community is what we make of it, and with 30,000 readers (holy Schwartz!), I think we have the slayers we need to level up the blog. Imagine what we could do if every reader gave a just one dollar?! 

More importantly, where will these earnings go? All funds raised through purchases at the store and deposits in the tip jar will be used to:

  • Pay for private hosting on our own site away from "blogger."
  • Develop a forum community so readers can get connected, chat about articles, and share information and experiences.
  • Allow me to dedicate more time to writing more posts and to develop a more comprehensive program for Life Coaching clients.
  • Purchase items/services/classes to review on the blog.
  • Help me travel to/participate in fitness events like runs, tough mudders, etc. so I can chronicle the training process and the actual event on the blog.
  • Pay for a proper video camera so I can make vlog posts on Project Reroll.
  • Buy business cards.
  • Acquire/distribute prizes for community contests
  • Pay for the organization of community events/meetups/classes in NYC (and maybe elsewhere eventually).
Of these upgrades, I'd love to find out what interests my slayers most! Conversely, I'd love to know if there's stuff that people just don't care about at all. Are there other upgrades you would like to see? Other types of merchandise? Let me know! Please leave your ideas, questions, and suggestions in the comments. 


  1. I'd be interested in recipes :). like if you made videos of how to cook healthy recipes that would be cool.

    1. I will definitely take that into consideration! Would you would prefer vlogs to the written recipes?

  2. I'm obsessed with weekly meal plans right now. If I can find a place that has a whole month of meal plans, I'm in heaven. I can plan a single meal just fine, but when I'm getting a weekly shopping list ready I realize that you can't have "steak and asparagus and sweet potato" every day -- especially with a family. So, yeah. Example weekly meal plans. Also snack ideas, and I like the reviews of products and restaurants. Especially products -- chances are we don't have whatever restaurant it is in Oklahoma City.

    1. Interesting! I'd never thought of doing weekly meal plans but you're absolutely right. It would be nice if there were more of those out there. Would you prefer "shopping lists" or just journaled meals for the week. It would be a lot harder with a family, I reckon. I'm all by my lonesome and don't mind eating the same thing for breakfast every day. :)
