
Monday, October 14, 2013

Tink's Baked Sweet Potato and Pixie Dust

Ok, so I'm a glutton for Once Upon A Time. It's definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. This season has a special focus on Peter Pan, one of my all time favorite stories. There's nothing better than enjoying a guilty pleasure show with some guilty pleasure food. I wish I could eat bon bons and ice cream while I watch but if I did that every time I craved something sweet, I'd be the size of a house again. With that in mind, I've gone in search of other sweet tooth appeasing vittles that pack more of a nutritional punch! 

Today I'm going to share one of my very favorite and extremely simple Paleo deserts courtesy of everyone's favorite fairy, Tinkerbell! She just made her first appearance on Once Upon a Time last night! This recipe takes an hour to prepare, so often I'll get it started right after I finish cooking dinner so that I'll have an hour to eat, digest and feel ready for my deliciously sweet treat! Without further ado, here's my recipe for: 

Tink's Baked Sweet Potato and Pixie Dust

Cook time: 1hour
Serves: 1

Baked Potato (try to choose a small-ish one that fits in the palm of your hand).
2 tsp Coconut Oil
Pixie Dust! (Also known as cinnamon!)

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Scrub your sweet potato in cool water and remove all imperfections and stringy bits. I don't mind the potato ends, but sometimes people do. If that's you, then use a small pairing knife to cut off the tips of the potato on each end.
  3. Dry the potato carefully with a towel. If you don't, it will steam in the oven instead of bake.
  4. Use your knife to stab a few holes into your sweet potato.
  5. Measure out your coconut oil and carefully rub it over your potato until it's coated and glistening like the second star to the right! 
  6. Place the potato on a foil lined baking sheet and put it in the oven for 30 minutes.
  7. After 30 minutes, flip the potato. 
  8. After the second 30 minute bake, remove it from the oven. You may notice that there's a syrupy residue. This is perfectly normal. Just remove any burnt bits from the potato before putting it on a plate. It almost always just sticks to the foil.
  9. Use a knife to cut the skin from one end to the other and then press them together with your fingers to open up the potato. 
  10. Use your knife to break up the inside of the potato a bit.
  11. Now for the pixie dust! Take your cinnamon and use your finger to tap it onto the potato. You can be the judge of how much you need. I usually just give it maybe 5 finger taps at most depending on the size of the potato. You can use your fork to mash/mix everything up.
  12. Give your treat little bit of time to cool or you'll burn yourself, but in about 5 minutes or so, depending on your own personal taste, it should be ready to put in your face mouth Bangarang style!

What do you eat to satisfy your sweet tooth? Please share your suggestions with your fellow slayers in the comments!

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