
Friday, December 6, 2013

Winter Workouts: Staying Fit During the Holidays

Don't hibernate: stay active this holiday season!


Hey Slayers, Simone here! I know winter, for those of us in colder climes, can be a downer sometimes -- you have to bundle up, watch for ice, scrape snow off of your car, and say goodbye to the sun. It's also the time when many of us are tempted by holiday cookies, seasonal alcohol (Southern Tier's Krampus, anyone?), and a strong desire to hibernate until the sun comes back.

I'll stay in here, thanks! [source]
Don't let go of all of your progress this December! Get a leg up on the New Year's resolution crowd and take advantage of the fitness opportunities winter has to offer.

1. Shoveling

You don't have much choice on this one, and I know no one looks forward to it, but it is a great workout. A snowblower may be faster, but if you're not in a hurry, shoveling can really get your heart rate up. If you're feeling generous or don't have a driveway of your own to shovel, you could also help out a neighbor or a friend!

I'd say he could use your help, but it looks like he's got it under control. [source]

2. Snowshoeing

If you've been walking to Mordor with Anne and Nerd Fitness, why not change up the scenery a little and go for a snowy hike? Places like REI offer free introductory classes as well as gear rentals if you're looking to try it out for the first time. 

"One does not simply snowshoe into Mordor" just doesn't have the same ring to it. [source]

3. Cross-country Skiing

Fly across the snow and get a great workout while you're at it! If snowshoeing isn't your thing, rent some skis and hit the trails that way! 


4. Snowboarding

Winter surfing! Sure, gravity helps get you to the bottom, but there is a lot of coordination involved here. You'll be feeling your core the next day! (And, for those of us less-coordinated folks, we might be feeling sore from our repeated falls, too. We all start somewhere, right?)


5. Winter Fun

Not interested in snowshoeing? No access to snowboarding locations? No worries! You can stay active just by playing outside. Going sledding? Those hikes up the sled hill will get your legs working! What about making a snowman, building a fort, or having a snowball fight

This takes snow forts to a whole new level. [source]

Finally, if you're lacking both motivation and snow, now is a great time to investigate a new class or activity. Use the regularly scheduled time and a workout buddy to keep you accountable. Skip the cold and try a yoga class, martial arts, crossfit, zumba, spin, fencing, swing dancing, etc!

What are your favorite ways to stay active and avoid hibernating during the winter?


Is it spring yet? [source]

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